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About us

Foundation "Przystanek Rodzina" is a non-government organization, which officially began its operations on 1 March 2014. It was founded by a group of foster parents from the District of Wroclaw, who in mid-2013 completed a specialized course and received qualifications for foster parents.

Currently, we provide direct assistance to children in foster care, through direct contacts with foster families or in cooperation with the PCPR (local family support center) or MOPS (municipal social support center).

Our mission is widely understood social assistance to children who are in foster care and to their families by providing support for current needs and issues of everyday life and help in the development of children who are in foster care.

On 10 June 2016 we acquired a Public Benefit Organization status (OPP).

Main objectives

Main objectives of the Foundation:

1. Social assistance, which consists of daily support and assistance to families operating in the foster care system (in various forms) and their dependents - children, who are in a difficult situation, social or material, leveling their life chances and combating their potential social exclusion.

2. Helping families operating in the foster care system in overcoming formal and administrative barriers.

3. Promoting of the establishment and activities of families working in the foster care system.

4. Searching for, in the country and abroad, and implementing the best practices in the field of foster care.

Support Us

You may support us through direct donations to our bank account number:

  • Bank account number for donations:
    PKO BP SA 1 Oddział we Wrocławiu 91 1020 5226 0000 6002 0467 4810


  • Bank account number for cross-border donations:
    SWIFT: BPKO PL PW 91 1020 5226 0000 6002 0467 4810

We are currently looking for VOLUNTEERS to support our daily activities. If you would like to become one please contact us by phone or e-mail:

phone +48 691 598 350

Dolnośląska Fundacja na rzecz Pieczy Zastępczej „Przystanek Rodzina” 

ul. Legnicka 65,  54-206 Wrocław | +48 691 598 350

KRS 0000495960 | REGON 022351060 | NIP 8943051558

Nr konta bankowego do wpłat darowizn: 91 1020 5226 0000 6002 0467 4810

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© Dolnośląska Fundacja na Rzecz Pieczy Zastępczej "Przystanek Rodzina", 2022

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