The Key To Tomorrow
We have started the second edition of the Key to Jutra project, which is implemented by the EY Foundation .
The aim of the project is educational support for children growing up in family foster care. Since development is very important to us and we try to involve our families and our volunteers in various types of training as often as possible, we are all the more happy to participate in the project.
As part of the project, tutoring will be conducted by volunteers.
Each volunteer will take care of one child, and his task will be to conduct tutoring once a week. Classes will be conducted individually (1 volunteer - 1 child). To make the child feel more confident and at ease, we plan tutoring to take place at home. However, due to the period of the pandemic, we allow individual solutions (e.g. online mode). Classes will last 1-1.5 hours.
Before the start of the project, each of the volunteers will undergo initial training in soft skills, teaching methodology and the specificity of foster care. In the course of work, depending on the needs, we plan
provide support from specialists ( supervisions or consultations ) for individual
In order to create a safe bond between volunteers and children and increase the efficiency of their work, additional meetings will be organized, during which volunteers and children will be able to go to the cinema, zoo or swimming pool together. All outputs will be selected individually.
In connection with the project, we are looking for volunteers to tutor our kids:
- project duration: October 2021 - June 2022
- 1 meeting a week (1-1.5 h)
All interested persons are asked to complete FORM
As part of the project:
volunteers provide tutoring to children and teenagers
each volunteer has 1 mentee,
meetings are held once in the week
the project lasts the entire school year (currently: October 2023 - June 2024)

What do we offer to Volunteers?
trainingin the field of soft skills, teaching methodology and foster care specifications
psychologist's care and supervision
integration outputs for volunteers
awards- surprises during the official end of the project
You can join the project during the school year
Klucz Do Jutra to nie tylko nauka, ale i tworzenie bezpiecznej wiÄ™zi pomiÄ™dzy wolontariuszem, a uczniem. Aby to uÅ‚atwić, organizowane bÄ™dÄ… spotkania dodatkowe, w ramach których wolontariusze i dzieci bÄ™dÄ… mogli wspólnie wyjść do kina, ZOO lub na basen. Wszystkie wyjÅ›cia zostanÄ… dobrane indywidualnie. ​​​​